In Swedish

Advisory Board

The Alertix Advisory Board is assisting Alertix’ board and management with strategic advice on development and business related issues by adding a broader perspective.

Henrik Rönnberg, DiplECVIM-CA (onc), Professor Uppsala
Henrik is a licenced veterinarian and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Uppsala. Diplomate of European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine 2009. He is a Professor at the Department of Clinical Sciences and Medical Oncology Centre at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Uppsala, Sweden.
Anneli Bjöersdorff, DVM, PhDKalmar
Anneli is a licensed veterinarian with deep experience in veterinary clinic and management, e.g. founding of own veterinary clinic and later as CEO at Läckeby Animal Hospital, Kalmar, Sweden. She holds a doctoral degree at Lund University in microbiology on tic-borne diseases. Today, she is responsible Education Manager at AniCura Group and before that Business Area Manager for Laboratory, AniCura, Sweden.
Olle Nilsson, PhDGöteborg
Olle has lifelong experience within in-vitro diagnostics, both as co-founder of and CSO at CanAg Diagnostics AB, Gothenburg, Sweden, but also, after Canag was acquired by Fujirebio, as a CSO for Fujirebio Diagnostics Inc, US. Olle has published 100+ papers in international scientific journals regarding developing and characterizing of monoclonal antibodies and immunological assays. He holds a doctoral degree in neurochemistry at the University of Gothenburg and is now an independent business consultant.

Alertix Canine

Assay for early detection, monitoring and screening of tumor diseases in dogs. The assay is available to veterinary clinics and laboratories in Sweden and Scandinavia.
Read more about Alertix Canine

Alertix Feline

Assay for early detection, monitoring and screening of tumor diseases in cats. The assay is under development.
Read more about Alertix Feline
Under development

Alertix Equine

Assay for early detection, monitoring and screening of tumor diseases in horses. The assay is under development.
Under development
Read more about Alertix Equine

About cancer in companion animals

Did you know that our companion animals are afflicted by cancer as often as humans? Dogs and cats share not only our living environment but also our lifestyle. Because of this they are exposed to the same risk factors for cancer. Veterinary care is getting better and better at treating cancer in companion animals. But the crucial factor of success is that the disease is detected in time.

Read more about cancer in companion animals